Do RV Solar Panels Kill Birds?

a bird standing on a solar panel

No, RV solar panels do not kill birds. Reports of birds dying from interacting with solar panels are greatly exaggerated. There have been anecdotal cases of aquatic birds mistaking solar panels as bodies of water. When this happens, the bird may dive at the panel thinking they are diving into water. This can result in bird injury and even death.

In this Article

Do Solar Panels Kill Birds?

No, solar panels do not kill birds. At least not directly. There have been reports of birds crashing into solar panels if they mistake them for pools of water. But, they are no more dangerous to birds than regular windows. Or, even wind turbines. Did you know wind farms kill more than 100,000 birds every year?

woman holding an RV solar panel

Occasionally, aquatic birds mistake the reflective surface of RV solar panels as a pool of water. And, when this happens they can try and dive ‘into’ the panel surface. This is bad news for the bird. When the creature collides with the solar panel, it doesn’t end well for the bird. However, incidents of birds dive-bombing solar panels are rare.

What About Large Scale Solar Farms?

There have been reports of large-scale solar farms singeing birds as they fly above. One such farm based in the Mojave desert in California was featured on a news report on CBS this morning. And, it looks like bird singeing has become a significant issue.

a field of solar panels

The reporter explained that the intense heat created by the solar panels singed bird feathers as they flew over these industrial-sized solar farms. The singed birds then fell out of the sky as a result of feather damage. And, many of these birds are killed as they collide with the hard surface of the solar panels below.

However, this phenomenon does not apply to RV solar panels. To create the intense heat that can damage birds and send them falling from the sky – you need tens of thousands of panels. And, the roof of an RV or motorhome typically homes just two or three. Birds flying over your RV are not going to suffer heat damage.

Can Birds Damage RV Solar Panels?

Birds cannot damage RV solar panels by colliding with them. The materials used to make the best RV solar panels are highly durable. They can easily resist the impact of a bird without suffering structural damage.

two little birds on a branch

However, they can damage the wiring and connections associated with the panel. You should periodically inspect your panel setup to ensure it hasn’t been accidentally damaged by the impact of a bird. Also, if there is a space between the panel and the roof of your vehicle, make sure birds don’t try and nest in this sheltered area.

It provides an attractive location for many bird species. However, the clutter and debris associated with a bird’s nest can damage the efficient operation of an RV solar panel. They can also restrict the airflow needed to keep the panel cool.

Are Birds Attracted to RV Solar Panels?

No, birds are not attracted to solar panels. However, the reflections caused by solar panels may attract birds. For example, if a panel is reflecting nearby vegetation then a bird may mistake the solar panel as a tree bearing a food source. Let’s take a closer look.

man washing RV solar panels with a power hose

Mistaken Reflection

An RV solar panel may attract birds if it provides a reflection of nearby vegetation, such as a bush or a tree. In this case, a bird mistakes the panel for a leafy plant and is drawn towards it as a place of shelter or a food source. They are not attracted to the panel itself, just its reflection.

Shelter & Shade

Some RV solar panels are mounted with a space between the panel and the roof of the vehicle. This encourages airflow beneath the panel and helps keep it cool. However, some birds find this space attractive as a place of shade and shelter. Some will even try and build a nest in it.


While solar panels do not attract birds, they do attract insects. Bugs are attracted to the hot shiny surface. And, if insects begin to accumulate on your solar panel, birds will begin to appear soon after. Birds eat insects. And, your solar panel becomes a convenient snack station.

How to Stop Solar Panels Killing Birds

The best way to prevent solar panels from killing birds is to avoid parking up in an area close to a large water source, such as a lake or river. This way you should avoid encountering aquatic birds. In rare circumstances, aquatic birds mistake the shiny surface of the panel as a pool of water and try to dive into it.

woman gesturing with arms outstretched

Another way to avoid killing birds is to park in an area that is not next to foliage. This means the bird will not see the reflection of a tree or bush on your solar panel. And, this means they won’t try and fly into it, hurting themselves in the process. However, incidents of birds colliding with RV panels are very rare and it’s very unlikely to happen.


Rosa Montero

  • B.S. Environmental Science
  • Avid Explorer & Globe Trotter

Rosa is a graduate of the University of Arizona, where she delved into the world of green energy and environmental science. Originally from sunny Fresno, California, she moved to Arizona to study. Rosa is the proud owner of a vintage VW camper van. Her trusty companion on countless adventures.

She has a deep passion for clean energy and a love for protecting our planet. Rosa immerses herself in nature through long hikes in Arizona’s famous parks. Grand Canyon National Park and Sedona Red Rock Country are two of her favorites.

When not exploring on foot, she enjoys cycling. Rosa’s enthusiasm for fighting climate change and safeguarding Mother Earth shines through in her work for RV Solar Power Hub.


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